In 1986, the Department of Environmental Protection and Conservation (DEPC) began as the Vanuatu Environment Unit.
Today, we are formally recognised as a department under the Ministry of Climate Change Adaptation, Meteorology & Geo-Hazards, Environment, Energy and Disaster Management.
In 2002, the Government of the Republic of Vanuatu passed the Environmental Management and Conservation Act No. 12 of 2002, now the Environmental Protection and Conservation Act [CAP 283] (the EPC Act).
The EPC Act formally established DEPC in legislation and outlines its role in the development, coordination and implementation of the Government's environmental policies and programs.
But what does this involve? It includes, assessing the environmental impact of proposed developments; working with communities to establish Community Conservation Areas; working with researchers to learn more about our unique environment; protecting internationally endangered species; controlling ozone depleting substances; and working with municipal and provincial governments to manage waste and pollution.
It also means administering environmental laws and collaborating with other partners to address local, regional and global priorities.
The vision of DEPC is "Leading Vanuatu to a clean, resilient and sustainable environment".
The DEPC works to achieve its vision by leading by example "Think Environment First: Show People!"
The DEPC Operates under two sets of guiding principles: One that governs the way staf work together and one that relates to the type of work done by DEPC.
In discharging its functions as a department, the DEPC's guiding principles are to:
- Promote clean development in Vanuatu
- Build resilient communities who will be able to adapt to climate change
- Encourage and support sustainable resource management and conservation
- Promote a green economy
- Work towards sustainable development
- Explore the development of a carbon scheme for Vanuatu
- Promote clean development in Vanuatu
- Build resilient communities who will be able to adapt to climate change
- Encourage and support sustainable resource management and conservation
- Promote a green economy
- Work towards sustainable development
In operating as a department, the DEPC’s guiding principles are to value:
- Transparency and accountability
- Teamwork
- Work ethics
- Professionalism
- Flexibility
- Working to a community focus
- Efficiency
- Leadership
- Open communication
- Fairness
- Trust.